The Neo Gospel video below is approaching 20,000 views! If you haven’t seen it yet please do and then join in on the informative discussion as we Decode the images!


Astronomy Connections

In the music video we see the constellation of Virgo also referred to as the Virgin. This is the largest constellation, which contains a star twice as big as our Sun and 2300 times more luminous. It is this star that is near the head of the Virgin. In the music video this constellation is a reference point to Revelation 12; “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 2 She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.” Over the ‘head’ of the Virgin is Leo the Lion that is one of the earliest recognized constellations documented 4000 years ago by the Mesopotamians. In Hebrew the Lion of Judah is “Aryeh Yehudah” and is regarded as the symbol of the Israelite conquering tribe of Judah. It is this representation that is intended in the music video.
Earth Shedding a Tear of Blood

“For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.…” Matthew 24:6

There has always been speculation on who this “man” is. The following quote is revealing and perhaps, instructive: “Levandowski believes that a change is coming—a change that will transform every aspect of human existence, disrupting employment, leisure, religion, the economy, and possibly decide our very survival as a species.”
This statement made in a 2017 interview hits exactly where we are today on all points and, thus, raises the questions about how much of what we are experiencing today is part of a conscious plan-demic. The quote is from a November 15, 2017 Wired magazine interview with Anthony Levandowski, (read entire interview at the hyperlink) an AI entrepreneur who worked on technology for Uber and self-drive cars. At that time, he had recently obtained Internal Revenue Service’s 501 (c) (3) status as a new religion/church named the Way Of The Future Church of Artificial Intelligence to worship the ‘god’ of AI (which he calls “whatever” as a parody of I Am That I Am). He based this on the fact that AI is ‘omnipresent’ in cyber-space, ‘omniscient’ in the knowing, processing and utilization of data at speeds millions of times faster than humans and ‘omnipotent’ in the decision making of life and death situations (soon to come, as drones are able to self-determine kill orders without human supervision). Besides these presumptions, Levandowski is correct when he says that the god of AI already has millions of “worshipers” who live and sleep with their cellphones as they “bow” before the “throne” of AI which knows their buying habits, political leanings, like & dislikes and location. The Apple iPhone is said to be analogous to the “apple, which Eve gave to Adam” to transfer all knowledge of good and evil. Such knowledge is immediately obtainable with a search engine on our phones. Incidentally, there is also a Google prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer that characterizes the AI god as a woman (like Eve). They are borrowing many Bible verses including the 23 Psalms (“google is my shepherd…”) and, “Ask and you shall receive” referring to a google search which, of course utilizes AI.
McKee’s line in the music video “A man of perdition on the throne of power will lead the world into it’s darkest hour” comes from 2nd Thessalonians 2:3, which McKee say points to the Anti-Christ in Revelation.
It is also important to understand that, in order to function in a seamless, all-pervasive manner, AI (including robotics, driver-less cars and all surveillance cameras), requires ubiquitous 5G network coverage for full functionality. Its is explicitly known that embedded computer **chips in all humans would completely solidify the “omnipotence” of AI. However, The Aseity of the true living God means “God is so independent that he does not need us” as stated in Acts 17:25, where it says that God “is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything.” AI, on the other hand, as a non-living entity, completely needs us to exist and cannot exist without our complicity. As such, that complicity is more easily secured in an emerging problem/solution scenario. For example, if firemen arrived at your home, broke your windows and sprayed water in your living room, you would be shocked and appalled, considering there is no fire. Conversely, you would absolutely welcome and applaud this behavior if your home is on fire.
There is much chatter online that conveys a groundswell of fear that a virus plan-demic is that “fire” of fear, preparing us to ‘beg’ for the vaccinations (that could introduce a microchip and perhaps more troubling substances).
The final point to ponder is that, even doctors and nurses are beginning to admit that something is not “adding up concerning media’s sensational spin on the scope of the virus”. Were you good with math word problems in grade school? Then go figure this, starting with the fact that a person can have the coronavirus, a cold, the flu and pneumonia simultaneously. In a normal year, influenza infections affect 3.5 million people worldwide with 250,000 to 500,000 people dying— Every year yet this has never prompted the declaration of a pandemic. Globally, Coronavirus infections as of April 24, 2020, are 2.7 million (still 800,000 below annual flu cases) and 190,000 have died (310,000 below annual norm for flu season deaths). Couple these numbers with the fact that there is no 100% conclusive coronavirus test, making an accurate count nearly impossible (More detailed info on testing is at the end of this blog). It is important to note that 25 percent of deaths attributed to the coronavirus in the US, overall, are people in nursing homes. There have been reports of persons in hospice being counted. Finally, consider the statistic that, in New York alone, 86% of people on ventilators died (due to the ventilators themselves according to a WGN News report that stated that ventilators should be used only for persons who cannot breath on their own and can cause a shutdown of the organs of persons whose normal breathing is being inhibited by the machines themselves). Couple this with the stimulus bill that grants $13,000 thousand to hospitals who treat COVID19 patients with an additional $39,000 for those treated on ventilators (would you say that these are strong incentives for over reporting of cases?). Would over reporting by adding normal deaths drive fear? What is your summation of this “math word problem?”
Could it be that the aforementioned words of Jesus, ‘I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear to hear them,” and Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places,” all pointed to our world today?
As stated in the disclaimer we are simply making you aware of what exists so that, hopefully, you will do your own research and come to conclusions that inform your actions toward the preservation of your wellbeing and that of your families.
For more research, there is a comprehensive time line of events leading up to the declaration of an epidemic in the UK, which the rest of the world followed. Please click HERE.
Dwight McKee actually begins the music video with Revelation 21, “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.” As such, he begins with the premise that no matter what appears to be in the present time, there is hope and assurance that the outcome will be triumphant for the followers of Christ.

The super-collider project in Cern, Switzerland is cause for con-cern for many.
Telling, perhaps, is the large statue outside of the facility. It is that of Shiva who is, in fact, the Ancient Hindu goddess of creation, death and destruction. When Shiva is mating with its consort, Kali, they are depicted as a beast of destruction and a time of death. C-E-R-N=3+5+9+5=22, which in numerology (a ancient Hebrew practice) represents material mastership (this being a multiple of 11, which denotes spiritual mastership). FERMI the name of the first super collider facility located in Batavia, Illinois west of Chicago since 1967 actual equals, yet, another master number: 33 (the age of Christ at the time of crucifixion and the number of the highest degree in Masonry). Also questionable is the logo of CERN itself, which is an artistic rendering of 666. (See hyperlink).
In short these facilities fire high powered energy particles directly towards each other through underground tunnels. This replicates the Big Bang as various particles collide and the data is recorded and analyzed to find theoretical particles, namely the Top Quark (discovered at Fermilab in 1995) and the “Higgs Boson” aka the “God Particle” identified at CERN (2011-2013). Ironically on March 2, 1995 when news camera decended upon Fermilab for the announcement of this magnanimous finding of the Top Quark (the final of six, so called, building blocks of the universe), composer, musician, producer, Robert Irving III was present there with his son and daughter. “He recalls, “I had many discussions with Dr. Robert Moon who worked on the Manhattan Project, which led to the development of nuclear fusion (as he was the neighbor of my father-in-law, Dr. Morris Tynes). This had led me to study the writing of Stephen Hawking (A Brief History of Time) and Carl Sagen (including his novel Contact). I had decided to take my kids on a field trip to the Fermilab’s museum.” He continues, “We were fortunate to be there at such a historical moment. This discovery was the reason the facility existed.”
The Cern facility is much larger with considerable more power than Fermi. A lead scientist at CERN said in an interview, “The matter which we have in our universe, so that much is missing and with this phase…we are now hoping to make new discoveries which go beyond our present understanding. We could be on the path to discover the gravitational forces that hold our galaxy in place and even potentially
miniature black holes… then this could open the path to new extra dimensions
in our universe.”
The last part of this statement is considered by many concerned observers to be a quest to open inter-dimensional portals that are not necessarily to heaven’s gate, but rather, namely, to the bottomless pit or Abyss alluded to in Revelation. Some have surmised that this portends the literal fulfillment of The Fifth Trumpet in the book of Revelation 9-2:
“1.Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2. The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. 3. And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth.…”
As of this post Locust “ comprising the size of a city” are destroying crops in East Africa. This is also depicted in the music video as the young African couple shake theirs heads in disbelief and doubt that the “…good old days will ever come again” as the song lyric poses.

Robin Swieringa Interviews Dwight McKee

Dwight McKee is the songwriter of Time For Change (In Time), founder of Neo Gospel Music Group and Executive producer of the new EP eXistential Vol. 1 by his performing artist group collective, EPHIFFONY.
Today is really not the Age of the Self – it’s the Selfish Age. So we talk about what we see going on in the world and its ultimate end, according to Revelation, which is the imminent return of Christ.
We really tried to describe the chaos with a subtext that it’s all been prophesied, so Christians shouldn’t see it like other folks see it, because it’s been predicted to be so. The Lord basically said, “It has to be like this, and before it gets totally out of hand, I’m going to come back and fix it all.” So that’s what “Time For a Change (In Time)” is about.
We close it out with an old Negro Spiritual that talks about “Swing down sweet chariot, Let me ride.” It’s a reference to the Rapture at that point, when the Lord will come back and Christians will be taken up into Heaven with him – we all will “meet him in the air,” as the Bible says. I actually wrote the song about 35 years ago, when I saw things changing, and saw that we were probably in the first or second chapter of Revelation.
RS: How do you carry on when you know things aren’t going to get better?
DM: To deal with all of this now, I think you have to be like Paul. I think you have to be a realist without being a fatalist.
And you have to define your joy in a different way, so that you’re not looking to the world’s values for your joy. If your joy is in the world’s things, then it will make you manic-depressive, because those things come and go and rise and fall. That’s why, when folks who have a lot lose a lot, they jump off a building: their self-definition is in what they have, as opposed to who they are and Who they serve. The suicide rate is up for the military crowd – they go away and they have these visions of sugar plums, and they come back unemployed and disregarded in overcrowded veterans’ hospitals, and all their hope was in coming back with a flag and a medal, and when that doesn’t work for them, if they’re not rooted in something beyond that, they kill themselves at alarming rates, or they kill somebody else. And I only see that getting worse.
You’ve got to have more of a spiritual standard. If your hope is in the providence of God, then you can resolve that “whether I’m abased or I abound, I’m content in all things,” as Paul said. You see that it’s all a part of the journey, of the process. And when you define success as being able to negotiate whatever God has for your life, then that brings the kind of peace that the world doesn’t understand, and the kind of joy that the world doesn’t understand, and, therefore, the world really can’t take them away.
That doesn’t mean that you don’t have moments of despair, but it does mean that you’re able to resolve them, because you can have peace even in those, because you know that beyond it, ultimately, there is Somebody in control.
Things have only gotten worse since then, so it’s more à propos now than when I wrote it. With the present President, it looks like he’s going to effectively facilitate the collapse of the world, so the song is really appropriate for today’s times.
Brief Decoding of Video Marquee (Thumbnail)

This is also connected to the oil war, the virus, and the effect on the church globally as Christians are under multiple attacks
Highly Disturbing COVID19 News From China
Patients all tested negative for the virus at some point after
recovering, but then tested positive again, some up to 70 days later,
the doctors said. Many have done so over 50-60 days.
The prospect of people remaining positive for the virus, and therefore potentially
infectious, is of international concern, as many countries seek to end
lockdowns and resume economic activity as the spread of the virus slows.
Currently, the globally recommended isolation period after exposure is
14 days.

Wise As Serpents - Harmless As Doves
of antibodies only. It is not a test that identifies a specific virus.
If antibodies are present, they are presumed to be there because
the body is fighting “something” which could be viral like a cold, flu,
chickenpox, herpes, A.I.D.S, etc or any number or bacterial infections
like pneumonia, an abscess tooth, salmonella poisoning, etc.
This test is done with a nose or throat swab.
This is a more expensive and time consuming test that requires blood samples to be sent out to a laboratory. The reference ranges for the number of antibodies related to the coronavirus can take about three-years to be verified and set up. Yet in still, the test will never identify the virus itself, but only its shadow. Neither test is identifying a virus, but rather only confirming that there are antibodies present on the swab or in the blood that hints at the presence of “something” that the body is fighting off.
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We need only to watch and pray.